Beryllium As A Component Of Dental Alloys

At the BISS in January 1997 we presented to the participants a study, which was published by the Institute for Chemical and Toxicological Consulting in Bremen in November 1996 under the title "Toxicological effects of the processing and use of beryllium in dental alloys". Unfortunately, there are few' independent research papers dealing with beryllium. However, we regard this as an extremely important issue and for this reason we would like to forward you this study (again) with this newsletter.

Beryllium is used in several nickel-based dental alloys for crowns and bridgework. This element is effective to avoid the dark oxide generated when firing the ceramic veneering on cast base metal alloys. Dental technicians usually regard the silver-shiny surface of the metal frames as an advantage for processing. They instinctively take the brightness of the east surface for a smooth and good form-fitting object.

From the metallurgical point of view, however, beryllium is not required at all for creating alloys since it lacks any advantageous properties. In fact, it is more of a disadvantage because this element significantly' reduces the resistance to corrosion and thus results in a high metal ion exposure for the patients.

Beryllium is harmful to people's health. Many dental technicians underestimate the dangers of using beryllium-containing alloys. When processing this metal in the dental laboratory, they expose themselves to toxic dust. They unwittingly endanger the health of their lungs by risk of berylliosis. They do not know that even traces of beryllium lead to chronic diseases. They do even not know that many different national authorities as well as the World Health Organization ( WHO) classifies beryllium as a carcinogenic element.

We feel that beryllium should not be used in dental alloys and that the only way to protect people's health is by providing information on the risks and dangers involved. This is why BEGO conducted on-line researches on literature related to the toxicity of beryllium in 1996 and have had the results processed for the enclosed expertise by the Institute For Chemical and Toxicological Consulting, ICTB, Bremen.

This expertise is intended to give detailed information on tire toxicity of beryllium and on the risks of using alloys containing beryllium. Please pass it on to interested persons in dental laboratories, dental practices, authorities, associations, and vocational schools arid health insurance companies. 


Berilij kao komponenta u zubnim slitinama

Na BISS-u u siječnju 1997. sudionicima smo prezentirali studiju koju je objavio Institut za kemijsko i toksikološko savjetovanje, Bremen u studenom 1996. pod naslovom "Toksikološki učinci obrade i primjene berilija u zubnim slitinama". Nažalost, vrlo je malo nezavisnih istraživačkih radova koji se bave berilijem. Ipak, mi to smatramo izuzetno važnim pitanjem i stoga vam (ponovo) prosljeđujemo tu studiju.

Berilij se koristi u nekoliko zubnih slitina na bazi nikla, za krunice i mostove. Taj element ima sposobnost da izbjegne pojavu tamne oksidacije prilikom žarenja keramičkog premaza na osnovama od lijevanih metalnih slitina. Zubotehničari uglavnom gledaju na srebrno-sjajnu površinu metalnih okvira kao prednost u obradi. Oni nesvjesno smatraju da je, zbog sjaja, lijevana površina glatka i dobro oblikovana.
Sa metalurškog gledišta, berilij uopće nije potreban za stvaranje slitina, jer nema nikakvih korisnih svojstava. Zapravo je on više nepogodnost, jer taj element znatno umanjuje otpornost na koroziju, te time izlaže pacijenta jakom djelovanju kovinskih iona.

Berilij je štetan po zdravlje ljudi. Mnogi zubotehničari podcjenjuju opasnosti korištenja slitina koje sadrže berilij. Prilikom obrade tog metala u zubnom laboratoriju, izloženi su toksičnoj prašini. Oni nesvjesno ugrožavaju zdravlje svojih pluća rizikom, berilioze. Oni ne znaju da berilij čak i u tragovima dovodi do kroničnih oboljenja. Oni čak ne znaju da mnoge razne nacionalni državni organi kao i Svjetska zdravstvena organizacija (WHO) svrstavaju berilij u kancerogene elemente.

Mi smatramo da se berilij ne bi smio koristiti u zubnim slitinama, te da je jedini način da se zaštiti zdravlje ljudi, pružanje informacija o potencijalnim opasnostima. Stoga je BEGO tijekom 1996. proveo on-line istraživanje literature o toksičnosti berilija i obradio rezultate za prilog ekspertizi Instituta za kemijsko i toksikološko savjetovanje, ICTB, Bremen.

Namjera te ekspertize je dati detaljnu informaciju o toksičnosti berilija i opasnostima prilikom korištenja slitina koje sadrže berilij. Molimo, proslijedite to zainteresiranim osobama u laboratorijima, zubarskim ordinacijama, vlastima, udruženjima, stručnim školama i institucijama zdravstvenog osiguranja.